Monday, August 30, 2004

Flagstaff and the Monkey 

Hi all,

Mark and I rode Flagstaff at lunch at a casual pace for him, tempo for me. I finished in 18:03, getting to the Flagstaff House in 5:20. I rode Flagstaff on Saturday, as only my fourth ride in nearly 7 weeks. I rode it from my house and did the lower section in 16:53. That was encouraging. I need to bring this down under 16, but it was an encouraging first effort. Today, after riding to the cut-off, we descended back to the Monkey Traverse. I had my shoes, but didn't expect to do much. Mark did the first third, but couldn't make it into the rest and hopped off. I then got on and the collarbone seemed to feel fine. I did the first section and got into the rest. I was sweating a bunch and the guy there, who I'm sure previously thought I was a complete knob in my biking clothes, now says, "Want to borrow some of my chalk?" I say thanks, but no. I then send the middle section! Sweet. First try after no nothing for a long time. I didn't want to try the dangerous exit until the doctor says I'm good to go. I see him Wed. morning. Oops. Can't scramble then, or have to start earlier... Anyway, as far as the doctor knows I'm not running, biking or climbing. Ssshhhh...

If you want to kick my backside, you better hurry! :-) Actually, most of you do that when I'm in top shape...I should have sent this to a different crowd.


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